Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hey ppl..went to Aunt Anita(church choir master) and her family's farewell dinner in leland's hse..all the close friends in the neighbourhood came..we ate..good food..then we start talking..then we end up watching Boston tomorrow theres church...where aunt anita will be conducting for the last time before she migrates to New yeah...then we have christmass practice til 12..and then have lunch and go back home as usual...wat a sad boring life..i seriously am in need to go malls or something..just to get away from the computer..from the house..the boredom..just catch a movie or something..i cant be doing this everyday til schools reopens next year..i need to go out..start christmas shopping or something!!! buy friends a presents..haih..or get away from the stress...i knw i knw..its after pmr..but boredom becomes the stress...haha..if tad actually makes sense..oh well..who wanna go out..pleasssee! dying here...anyway..tomorrow night is another farewell dinner..also for them but hosted by the choir this time in anyway thats about it with my boring boring life..need to go out!! DESPERADO here...u should hear that song..sung by Eagles..but anyway..thats all for now..

OH YA! merry christmass ppl!!!! back perky again...

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