Hey..im so bored here..have to help my sis do her EST project..ugh..i heard another great song by Beyonce..very nice..anyway..just wanna share with ya'll..few days ago, i watched an old movie..well..not so old la..but not so new either..called A Walk To Remember..Chong lent me the CD..thanks Chong..so sweet..its a sad love story..staring Mandy Moore..aah..love her songs..movie is so sad i cried..seriously..its so sweeet!! i seriously love these kinda movies..Chong, if u have more, keep em coming.. :D Anyways..i've been trying to download movies..coz it gets real boring here..my youtube cant watch..so annoying..it says..'Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.' And i did..i tried to install the latest and suddenly it says, installation failed..i tried millions and millions of times..didnt work..so now i cant watch youtube..so bored..nth else to do..i need YOUTUBE PPL!! Anyone knows how to solve my problem, please..i'm rotting here..anyway..about this movie, its so sweet..its abt this girl who's a preacher's daughter..you knw..the typical goodie girl with a mom sweater and a nasty dress and a guy who's popular and reputation with his friends and all..and they both are just the opposite person. Then, they start to fall in love and The guy, from bad boy turned nice..and good..and they start dating and all..but she had leukimia..and bla bla..and he tries to fulfill all her wishes and all..which is very sweet..and stuff..and as usual she died..well..its sad..watch it for yourself..heres some pics..oh ya..im also gonna put her song on the blog..dont forget shes a singer too :D

Oh ya..theres a very sweet quote in this movie.. i edited it on this pic..if u can see..if u cant, u have to guess it out..haha
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