Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Emotions aren't always Immediately Subject to Reason, but they are Always Immediately Subject to Action know how there are some days where you just feel...not happy? like..not perky..not delightful..its feel someone just stabbs you in the heart and u can't seem to get it out? Well..what if something happen to you few days ago that kinda hurts your feelings til now that you dont wanna think about and just wish it goes away as time passes by? What would you do to not think abt it? Feel free to write in the chatbox abt your point of view or comment on this.. me..when i try not to think of things i dont wanna think abt coz it makes me feel sad..i keep myself busy..aka..currently, im just blasting any kind of music on my headphone right now so that i get distracted but doesnt really work..currently im listening to hsm3 songs..they're kinda nice..this particular one is called "Can I Have This Dance" and you all know..vanessa hudgens and zac efron sang it..its also one of my favourite scenes in d movie because i love the choreography of them waltzing on the roof..anyway..heres d music video of it in case ya'll wanna see it..But anyway..if you guys have any opinions or other ways feel free to comment..

Controll your emotions or it will controll you:)

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