Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another movie..

Hey ppl..sorry..i just thought of one great movie tad i watched before called the house bunny..if ya'll haven't watch it yet..its really nice..dont let the poster fool you.it actually teaches moral and stuff..really gr8..and its funny too..here are some of the funniest quotes from the movie..by the way, the starring, shelley, is a dumb blonde..

Shelley: They're kicking me out?
Marvin: Maybe it's because of your age.
Shelley: But I'm 27.
Marvin: But that's 59 in Bunny Years.

Oliver: You given any thought to who you might be voting for?
Shelley: I definitely won't listen to what Simon says, he is just so mean. I usually always agree with Paula and Randy.
Shelley: Oh, you meant the president.

Shelley: It feels like my heart is gonna fall off my head!

Natalie: Shelley knows how to meet guys, hence, we will learn how to meet guys.
Shelley: Yeah, hence!

Shelley: Yes, I think I'll have the mahi-mahi, but can I get it with just one mahi?

Shelley: The eyes are the nipples of the face.

Shelley: [while reading a letter] Dear Shelley. Oh my gosh, that's me! Wait there's more!

haha..have a good laugh :D

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