Hey peeps..so last sunday i watched I Love You Man! Its so funny... except JR never appreciates comedy! Anyway its real funny so heres wat the movie is abt...
But anyway..lets talk abt The Proposal first...coz its also real nice...
Here's a summary of the movie...
This woman margaret is a stern boss/editor of a magazine that nobody likes...who forces her assistant Andrew Paxton to marry her in order to avoid being deported to Canada. He grudgingly accepts, under the condition that he is promoted to the position of editor. When the government investigates, the two are forced to spend the weekend with his parents in Alaska in order to sell the lie. The family suggest they could marry the same weekend, and they reluctantly accept. They start to fall genuinely in love as they spend more and more time together. Because of this, during the wedding ceremony, Margaret decides she cannot do this to Andrew and confesses the business arrangement in front of everyone including the immigration officer handling their case. Then she's told that she has 24 hours to get back to Canada, and go back to New York to pack her things. So, Andrew shows up at the office and confesses his love for her in front of the entire office staff, proposing marriage all over again.
Sweeet right...
Here are some quotes...
Grandma Annie: [taking a knitted blanket out of the cabinet] If you get chilly tonight use this. It has special powers.
Margaret Tate: [takes blanket] Oh. What kind of special powers?
Grandma Annie: [smiling] I call it the baby maker.
Margaret Tate: Okay.
[to Andrew]
Margaret Tate: Better be super careful with this.
Margaret Tate: I am not getting in that boat!
Andrew Paxton: Fine, see you in three days.
Margaret Tate: You know I can't swim!
Andrew Paxton: Hence... the *boat*.
But anyway..lets talk abt The Proposal first...coz its also real nice...
Here's a summary of the movie...
This woman margaret is a stern boss/editor of a magazine that nobody likes...who forces her assistant Andrew Paxton to marry her in order to avoid being deported to Canada. He grudgingly accepts, under the condition that he is promoted to the position of editor. When the government investigates, the two are forced to spend the weekend with his parents in Alaska in order to sell the lie. The family suggest they could marry the same weekend, and they reluctantly accept. They start to fall genuinely in love as they spend more and more time together. Because of this, during the wedding ceremony, Margaret decides she cannot do this to Andrew and confesses the business arrangement in front of everyone including the immigration officer handling their case. Then she's told that she has 24 hours to get back to Canada, and go back to New York to pack her things. So, Andrew shows up at the office and confesses his love for her in front of the entire office staff, proposing marriage all over again.
Sweeet right...
Here are some quotes...
Grandma Annie: [taking a knitted blanket out of the cabinet] If you get chilly tonight use this. It has special powers.
Margaret Tate: [takes blanket] Oh. What kind of special powers?
Grandma Annie: [smiling] I call it the baby maker.
Margaret Tate: Okay.
[to Andrew]
Margaret Tate: Better be super careful with this.
Margaret Tate: I am not getting in that boat!
Andrew Paxton: Fine, see you in three days.
Margaret Tate: You know I can't swim!
Andrew Paxton: Hence... the *boat*.

Anyway...tads one movie...moviing on to...I LOVE YOU MAN!!! Funny movie!!
So this guy, Peter Klaven has no guy friends...so since he proposed to his fiance'(Zooey), she was shocked tad he has no guy friends and which means no best man and stuff...so he sets out on man-dates to find a guy and he met his new bff (Sydney)and consistently spends time with him until his wife feels neglected. And then they make up and all..and yea...u have to watch to really get it :P
Heres the quotes...
Joyce Klaven: Peter always connected better with women.
Zooey: You know, I can see that because he is a great boyfriend.
Peter Klaven: Thank you fiancee.
Oswald Klaven: Also, you got to understand, Zooey, Peter matured sexually at a very early age. I remember taking him swimming when he was twelve-years-old, kid had a bush like a forty-year-old Serbian.
Peter Klaven: Oh come on!
Sydney Fife: Hey check out these two. That guy needs to fart.
Peter Klaven: He does seem to be clenching.
Sydney Fife: Watch the leg... Boom!
Peter Klaven: He farted in my open house.
Sydney Fife: He sure did.
Sydney Fife: Society tells us we're civilized but the truth is we are animals. Sometimes we just have to let it out. Try it.
Peter Klaven: Blaaah!
Sydney Fife: Good. Now gently remove your tampon and try again.
Peter Klaven: So what do i do? How do i make friends?
Robbie Klaven: If you see a cool looking guy, strike up a conversation and ask him on a man date.
Peter Klaven: Ok.
Robbie Klaven: You know what i mean?
Peter Klaven: No.
Robbie Klaven: Casual lunch or after work drinks. You're not taking these boys to see The Devil Wears Prada.
Peter Klaven: Ohhhh god i love that movie. No I wont.
Doug: Hi peter, I saw your billboards, they're spectacular. I'm sorry for calling you a whore. Best of luck with Sydney, if you're not still together... you can Facebook me.
So yea tads the movie...do go watch emm..its entertaining...anyway..i am joining the music fest in a band with leland and others..i knw its so last minute and im not really feeling it tad much but oh well..do it for the fun..but leland keeps complicating things...he's like wanting a sex player..and violin and this and tad and he's just making a lot of decisions by himself. He asks me for my opinion on his suggestions but when i object, he goes, nigel whens the last time u played in a band and bla bla...trust me i have good taste in music and bla bla..ugh such a show off...like wats the use of asking my opinions on things when he doesnt even care abt others opinions?? gawd..i wanted simple music with simple song like You and Me by Lifehouse since we have so limited time to practice but he wants complicated songs tad need a sax and all like Sunday Morning by maroon 5..gawd....we dont see eye to eye... haihh...oh WELL...
And then theres this interact installation night stress...trying to please everyone on the venue...if i pick hyatt...some of the form 5 wont like it coz they'll say no place to hang aft tad and this and tad..but if i choose sutera, ppl complain the food sucks and all...so yeah... Heres the pro and cons...
Hyatt has... Good food at reasonable price, good service, classier place?
Sutera has...cheap price, not so good food and service, nice location, done in the same place every single year...
So yea...its either ur paying for the food or the location...haihhh.. sEE LAAA bye
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