Okay ppl...i'm feelin emo all of a sudden. Maybe coz its midnight now and i can't sleep. Well i've been thinking about stuff...like friends. What would you do without em. Yes they maybe pain in the ass at times and can ruin your day but they keep you young. If you get what i mean. I'm not so sure what i mean too...but they keep your youth. They're the reason you're you. You are who you hang out with. They keep you strong, they keep you you. They're the reason you're who you are now. Lets say you're a sarcastic person, but would you be sarcastic if you have noone to be sarcastic at? Well i still don't really get what i'm Tryna say. But i just want ya'll who is reading this to know that there are times you feel so mad at your friends and you just feel like noone's got your back or some emo stuff like that but really, can you really say that nobody loves you? That your friends or family don't love you? Its really unfair to say that phrase you know. Nobody loves me. I think thats the most selfish and hurting thing to say. If one of my friends said that i'd really wanna slap that person coz its not true! No matter how bad you feel in a situation, there's always someone there. You may not realize it. It could be your family, your sibling, your cousin, your church friend. So guys, whenever you come to that situation. Really, just think, is it really fair to say nobody loves you? I know a kid who lost his mom and is paralyzed physically but he told me that he's so fortunate and all and i'm really amazed by his strength. So ppl, be strong and if he can keep his head up high, you can too. There's no reason for you to waste your life emo-ing about some small thing when you should start looking forward and appreciate the things you have. Oh boy that was so emo!!! Haha...i've been bloging about Crap recently so i'd wanna blog about something down to earth and meaningful. Anyway, life's too short. Thats the bottom line. So anyway. I recently had band practice in ram studios...and i saw roger wang. Eew he looks like a baldy and i'm not that much of a guitar fanatic so i don't worship him like some ppl do. Anyway, so we practiced apologize and it was okay. We pulled it together. The drummer from maktab and he was commenting on my singing. He said my vocals is good but its too thin? I didn't really get what he meant coz nobody every really critic my singing before. And i don't really have a thin voice so i didn't get what he was saying but i pretended i did. Haha...so anyway...tomoro bazaar. More tiring stuff...so gonna snap photos...Haih...gonna be so exhausted but you know what. I love my life. Its no glits and glamour and i'm not the richest person on earth but i love it!!! I got lovely friends, i got a home, i got a great family..i got lots and lots of cousins although all of em are girls but hey, i think its a blessing. So many advises from em like, don't trust innocent quiet ppl...or dont listen to what lorna says when she says she's gonna stream your class. And other stuff. So yeah...boy i'm getting so random. Anyway, gotta try to sleep! Gotta wake up early!
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