Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hey peeps..watched american was good..Matt did quite good for me..but i have a feeling he's going home tomoro. Dont worry, im emotionally prepared for him to go home..haha..he dun get tad much fans not many will vote for him...anywho..danny and adam ws good..haih...tomoro have drama practice again...hope we progress..and im gonna do the sounds tomoro...hopefully it all works out...its tough u knw..its not an easy peasy job...and its not easy to fine background i plan to use instrumentals of songs if i cant find background music :P

So new mentor Federick or frederick..or is it fredericc is really perky...which is weird and funny in a way because he's like 18 but perky..whos perky when their an adult these days..besides patricia (last year form6) and tad weird gal at jho's yeah..but im happy with ma mentor...better tad jho;s mentor who sengaja say loud loud "i told you i do not want a mentor!!"...harsh yeah...go american vote for matt if im in america rite now...Wendy said her cousin who's in america bought tickets to the Kodak Theatre to watch american idol evil kan...ugh...neways tads all for now..dont forget to catch david archie performing ALTNOY tomoro night peeps

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