--This is when we're waiting for departure in kk airasia airport--
Chong Reading..as usual..
Leland being perky
Me and Chong :D smileeee - and his famous upside down smile
Me and Leland..
Me eye-ing a chocolate bar... hehehehe
Leland listening to Check Yes Juliet
Me and Dad accidentally broke our watch thingie at the same time..so we took a pic :D
These are taken on the plane...
and chong sleeps too much.. :D shhh..dont tell him
Did you realize Chong has double eye-lids?? weird...
These are the pics of Darren's gorgeous mansion :D
This is Leland trying to reach the top of the stairs..haha
Their beautiful outdoor tea table :D
Their gorgeous couch in the gorgeous living room..
Their gorgeous fireplace with an air conditioner in it (if u see closely)
That my friend is darrens indoor balcony of his room where u can look down on the living room..simply gorgeous..
Their gorgeous gorgeous stairs..
Their gorgeous bar in the kitchen with gorgeous bar chairs..how gorgeous..:P
Their gorgeous outdoor barbeque place..so pwetty right??
This leads to their basement :P
Take off your shoes ppl!!
Their stairs again..in love with it..
Place to lounge..classy right??
Another classy chair..
Me listening to my mp4 under the air-con..did i tell you how comfy this chair is??
Me trying Kuching Laksa..
The following is taken in Sunny Hill, where they sell the BEST homemade ice-cream..and trust me, i've tasted it..its awesome..smoother than Vedablu or Scoops! I'm serious! Well..its homemade so its gotta be smooth..its so simple yet nice! I LOVE IT! Best eaten with nuts and butterscotch :P mmmmmm......by the way, this ice-cream stall has been open even 30 years before i was borned :D
By the way, guys, this is Darren..say hi..
Chong devouring it..
We brought it back to the house to have somemore!!! muahahahaha..sharing is caring :D
I have no idea why Chong wants chocolate..i mean..Vanilla goes waaay better with nuts and butterscotch..
This is when we went to the musuem where we say rare stuff..there are actually lots more interesting stuff in the musuem like the skeleton of a crocodile's head, skeleton of a whole whale,snakes,spiders and all..but they dont allow cameras..
Anyway, this is the rare fish where it looks like its swimming upside down. As u can see, its eyes and gills and everything is on the lower part of the fish body..
This is taken outside the musuem..i think theres a tornado behind us..oh well..oh ya..the boys on my left is David, u may remember him at the philharmonic orchestra and next to him is isaac, darren's 11 year old lil brother.
You guys know what happens when Chong finds something that LOOKS like a weapon right...
This is taken in the Waterfront..it seems nice..windy..and all..oh ya..and on the floors, they put like..metal infos on the history of sarawak like the cession bill and stuff..
From left,Zachary, Darren,David,Leland,Isaac,Me and Chong
You see the lil hut behind us, its called James Brooke cafe..weird..
Chong is wearing his choral speaking shirt..hehe..
The following are pics of me and chong and darren and his bro, Zachary feeling bored while leland and david are playing football
The BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL (guess whose sexy legs are these...hahaha)
Chong sleeps too much..
Me and Zac..
Darren,ME and Isaac
Darren doing the MANHUNT pose...haha
And this us having a group pic before we leave to the airport...to go back to kk..sad..i know...as respect to ppl celebrating deepavali, we wear my fav colour..:D
This is us leaving kuching :( on d plane...
Ha..that was our Kuching Trip..miss them already..good ppl..oh well..hope u guys enjoy the pics..
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