Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life is Like a Taxi. The Meter Just Keeps Ticking Whether You are Getting Somewhere or JUST standing Still
Anyway..heard Matt Giraud was in the bottom wat?? if i were an american i would be voting for him every second...But anyway..loving Michael Buble right now after watching David Foster & Friends...he's such a great composer/producer...
Here he's singing home with Blake Sheldon and David Foster on the piano.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Me and JhoMe and Denise..aint she cute
Me. jho. denise.
Jho doing the denise lips thing..
Me and second banana
Me and nigel
Group pic...first pic of beat..haha
Awww... XD
Tads all for now..oh carrie's performance :P
Tads all for now...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Matt Giraud - So Small (Carrie Underwood)
Kris Allen - To Make You Feel My Love (Garth Brooks)
Danny Gokey was ok for me..
Jesus Take The Wheel (Carrie Underwood)
But Matt was really really good :D Watch Carrie underwood duet with Randy travis "I Told You So" tomoro :P
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Me : Mau pgi 1borneo berapa? (tryna sound malay)
Oh yea..i went to white coffee the other day and there was this ice cream called coffee lava...the name is so irresistable so i tried was and icecream makes a great combination...:D:D
Oh this..i saw it on Bones..the series...funny..the girl doesnt know kelly clarkson and the guy was like..kelly clarkson!? because of you....? and shes like..because of me??
Saturday, March 14, 2009
bLaH-ing againn
Names are sometimes so hard but yet names kinda define Elfiena makes her name so dramatic..coz of her character...u knw..haha..speaking of her...teacher Jacob ask to do a tryout for aural..and he let us bring our paper up and read...and it was elf's turn and while she was reading, BAM her palms were shaking like the ground when Karls was fun to watch..
Neways...I DIDNT GET TO WATCH BENJAMIN BUTTON!!! I so need a sad movie rite now..whoever has the Cd... I'm in need here!! thx..
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hey ppl...sorry didnt thing i hate abt exam being over is tuition still on!! urghhghghg!!! Today had drama was fun..sophia and cynthia wasnt fun..neways..nth much to blog abt...elfiena and gang didnt go to school today...terus one row gone dis..hmm NIGEL CHEE coming back tonight! So every1 u can go call him up or sms him or wateva u wanna do with neways..gtg..bye..oh ya..american idol was bamming :P:P love it..except anoop..he is a turn off.. i like kris,matt,adam,allison. :D:D
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
1st day of upper form exam!
Monday, March 9, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009
Anyway, Matt Giraud is in wildcard :P:P and a lot of others i like..sadly nathaniel and kristen didnt get it..but oh well :D
Anyway this is Hugh Jackman singing as an opening number in the oscars...with Anne Hathaway..who knew these two can sing...pls watch :D Anne hathaway has a nice voice...
Another one i found at the oscars is Hugh Jackman again singing with Beyonce and then comes in Zav Efron with Vanessa Hudgens who look really slutty and Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper (Mama Mia). Its a medley of a lot of musicals are the songs..its a lot!
One Night Only - Dreamgirls
You Can't Stop the Beat - Hairspray
I Don't know how to love Him - JesusChrist Superstar
At Last - Orchestra Wives
Last Chance - HSM3
Maria - West Side Story
Mamma Mia! - Mamma Mia!
Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Evita
Top Hat - Top Hat
Some where over the rainbow - The Wizard of Oz
Somewhere - West Side Story
Singing in The Rain-Singing in the Rain
Big Spender - Sweet Charity
Maria-West Side Story
You're the One that I Want - Grease
How do you solve a problem like Maria? - The Sound of Music
All That Jazz - Chicago
Lady Marmalade - Moulin Rouge
Sorry its all music this week...lots of ppl like luiz would gt bored of this XD hehee.. we have drama practice from after assembly til was funny..sophia was funny...shes sarcastic and all..real the same time, tension! Coz she could b very strict at times...but her face looks like garfield so i can just laugh at it when im bored... :D Gawd i m doing the music thing for drama..and i have to find some malay-ish background music..where the heck am i gonna find that? Limewire?? Youtube?? oh well..we'll see wat happens...Exam next week!! EEk!! havent touch ma books dead
Thursday, March 5, 2009
EB ish

So she was telling us a lot abt the magazine and she gave us this personal test of ourself like rating ourselves and explain one thing we like abt the magazine. Which is hard to do...haha....but theres anotha question where they ask one thing u dislike abt the magazine and i said the front cover :P its not being mean...i was serious...i said the drawing was good but the dark purple-ish kind makes it look gloomy and all...haha...
So anyways..JOSHUA HO UR SO DEAD! Remember u said u didnt wanna give the names of the three malay girls in ur class?? They came and teacher asked why didnt she get their names. and the gals said that they gave it to u to give to olivia..ya nasty...
GUYS GO CHECK OUT LUIZ BLOG :P its in ma links...he wants it to be private and secret and all...NOT GONNA HAPPEN :D
Oh and nad likes kris allen..whoo :D
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Let other's know a little more about yourself; if you've been tagged, re-post this with your own answers and title it with your name plus "ology" on the end.
What is your salad dressing of choice?
>French dressing
What is your favourite sit-down restaurant?
> NewYork NewYork or Grazie's cafe
What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
>I know many of ma friends hate this but...EGGPLANT!! BUNGA TELUR!!! BRINJAL!!! AUBERGINE!!!
What are your pizza toppings of choice?
>Hawaiian's ma fav
What do you like to put on your toast?
>Hmmm...bacon? and cheese...and eggs :D scrambled :D
How many televisions are in your house?
> 3 but i dont really use 1 of em
What color cell phone do you have?
> Urban Grey
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
>Right handed...yeah..i aint creative...
Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
> You mean besides fingernails and hair? no..
What is the last heavy item you lifted?
> Ma school bag:P
Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
>Knocked unconscious? nah..ppl who hate me just backstabbs..they dont go physical
*BULLCRAPOLOGY*( oh how we all love that title. XD)
If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
> This is a trick question right?
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
>If i could...i probably leave it this used to it ady..
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
>Haha...i would if i can tahan :P
How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Last person you hugged?
>I cant remember...looong time ago
>Hmmmm...though one...winter is fun...but i went to perth and is freezing cold there so nah..maybe not winter...probably spring :P or summer...coz tads when ppl are alive :P and u enjoy ice cream more in summer than winter :P
>Christmas baby! I pity those who dont celebrate...
Day of the week?
>I would say saturday if i dont have math tuition in d SUNDAY...
> December! Ma birthday month..
Missing someone?
>hmmm...yeah..friends and family who arent in kk
What are you listening to?
>David A. - You Can
>Whose Line Is It Anyway :D
Worrying about?
First place you went this morning?
>When i wake up? Toilet la ba..
What's the last movie you saw?
>Movie? Does gg count? if not then Underworld Rise of the Lycans
Do you smile often?
> NO
Do you always answer your phone?
> Always always...if i can hear it..
You love...?
> Family and Friends
If you could change your eye color what would it be?
>I always love ppl with blue eyes but then again..asians dont really suit blue i'd say brownish..
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
>No idea was sonic is..
Do you own a digital camera?
Have you ever had a pet fish?
Favorite Christmas song?
>Hmm...lots! But i think ts between O Holy Night and Christmass isnt Christmas
What's on your wish list for your birthday?
>Last year's or this year? I cant tell u this year's one coz i haven't wish anything yet..but last year i wished for straight As :D
Can you do push ups?
>Umm...i can do a lame crappy one
Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
>Nervous coz i have no idea wat to do with ma life
Ever been in a car wreck?
>Nope and dont want to
Do you have an accent?
>No but i knw someone who tries to fake not working
What is the last song to make you cry?
>Hmm..Carrie Underwood - I Told You So
Plans tonight?
>Stay home..its a school night!
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
>Definitely..but watching american idol always cheers me up :D
Name 3 things you bought yesterday
>Hmm...i went shopping in parkson so its...a shirt and a shirt and groceries
Have you ever been given roses?
>I dont think the male species are into roses...
Current worry?
Current hate right now?
> so drama stress ish
Met someone who changed your life?
>My life didnt really change..but if it did without me realizing, its God :P
How did you bring in the New Year?
>How did i bring in? With family and new clothes :P
What song represents you?
>Hmmm...i'll pass this question..
What were you doing 12 AM last night?
>Sleep talkin...
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
>Hmm..i wonder if Ezzah would sing Touch Ma Body with the atitude