Alan, oliver,leland and Me...

Its about a girl who hates her life and desperately want to get a boyfriend. So she try to impress this guy named Robbie but when she tries to get him and acting all differently and not herself, she realize that being yourself is better than trying to be someone ur yeah...tads the movie...we were the only group in the cinema except for two guys sitting right at the back..the cinema was so empty...oh well...Chong didn't feel manly when he watch that movie..he said he had to go home and kill something..haha
Here are some quotes...
Georgia Nicolson : Look, I can't go out with you, because...because...because I'm a lesbian.
Robbie: I wrote a song about you.
Georgia Nicolson: Really?!
Robbie: Yeah. It's called "Bitch in Uniform".
Tads all...lazy to find more quotes....
Anyway..then it was 30th December! My birthday! This year, again..i didnt make a party breaking my tradition again. Last year i didnt coz i had plans with someone so i couldnt make one. This year i didnt make coz it was the day PMR results come out. So i kinda know that i wont get good than 6As and i didnt wanna make a party when i got bad results right? no more mood to party..BUT i got way better results than i expected! I got Straight As!!! wheeeee....I So didnt see it coming..Me and some friends were standing outside the school oggice waiting for the results to come out. Then, the legendary Jeanie Yong came and start shaking my hand...she looked at me and said, Straight As, and she pointed at lisa and said Straight As, and she pointed at Maya and said Straight As.. And i was like..are you serious??!?!?! and she was like...yeah...i checked the paper...then i said, "Are u sure u didnt mix me up with Nigel Chee?" then she was like..."No...How much you wanna bet???"Then i said "okay i dont wanna bet!"
Me and hannah banana...Before the movie, we went to meet Sylvia and her and joshua went there and suddenly...Hannah, Jane and Chong went me and josh msged them and called them and no me and joshua was like...searching for them high and low...ground floor to the first floor to the second the third floor and couldn't find them..suddenly hannah msged saying chong brought them to a dark place. So we asked them where they are and jane replied saying its so dark, we cant see anything! Then i was like...huh??? they are lost in one borneo and where the heck in one borneo is so dark til they cant see anything..and why would chong bring them there?? So me and joshua almost wanted to search the backstage of the big stage in the centre atrium where all the santa claus are...
We called jane but noone answer...we called chong but noone answer and same goes to hannah. So me and joshua were freaking the movie is starting and our friends are missing. So i was paniccing! I thought some pilak kidnap em or something like tad! You'll never know wat happens in a huge mall okay with lots of pilaks everywhere..anything could happen...then i continued calling jane..suddenly hannah msged again saying, "when jane's phone rang, chong snatched it from her!" So i was like..what the FUCK is chong doing!?" Thats when i felt something weird going on! So suddenly chong msged saying "Meet at cinema with RM1337 now or else!!". Thats when i got so freaking pissed and replied him saying "If this is a prank its so not FUNNY!!!"
Then me and joshua went to the cinema and jane and hannah and chong came smiling. and me and joshua was giving the 'its so not funny face'. I was so freaking pissed u guys are like fifteen..what kinda game is this?? I was so worried something happen and i was searching high and i didnt talk to them and just went in the cinema..ugh..then after that they said sorry and all and after that we went to....
BOO BOO LAND!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeee...i spend them to play in the vs Josh and Jane vs Chong in this carrom-ish game where u have to hit this thing in to the was so fun...then we played racing! whooo..then Hannah went home and me, Jane,Chong and Josh went to eat Mario pizza coz we got hungry and never tried it..I told them i spend them...then as i was waiting for it...i saw Roshini and they start talking to me and when i was done talking to them, Joshua paid for the pizza JOSH! Then we went home at about...5 i went home and bathed and went to dinner with my cousins in NYNY which is in One i was so exhausted...and my cousin bought me this cool expensive Nike watch...its so yeah...Then i went home and sleep..
Then this morning when i wake up, i felt this sudden headache and feverish going on..and i was so drowzy..i went to lunch and came back...and i eat fever medicine and all..gosh now im having such a bad headache...haih...but thanks Josh, Jane, Hannah and Chong to spend my birthday with me :D Now im replying lots of birthday wishes on tired ady...Maybe im making a party to celebrate new year and for the pmr students to go through form 3 and all..before school reopens...haih..tonight im going to Hyatt for a buffet and countdown for New last not feeling so well right now..lots of flu too..haih..sniffing here and there! Anyway..i hope Chong and Joshua Ho get to be in the same class with me next year coz they are like my only good guy friends...Nigel chee is in singapore so yeah...i hope Chong and Joshua be in the same class with me coz they only got 6As which i consider as a great result..If they aren't in the same class with only good friend who is a guy is like...Aaron Mah...haih...maybe i have to be friends with JONATHAN CHEAH! oh noo.....haih...i didnt mention girls coz theres a THICK line of descrimination between sexes in this school..haih...oh well..sorry this might be a long boring post but i just wanna update since the last time..haha...i saw this on the newspaper this mornin...

Thats all for today...sorry for the long post...