Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Happy times and Sad time...
happy times = after these 3 weeks
but anyway...i feel so stupid..im like already planning on wat to do with my life after pmr when i dont even know if i'll be enjoying after pmr or being sad coz i cant answer my history paper..
but something great is gonna happen after pmr that has planned which is giving me inspiration to study..which is..after pmr, me, Chong, Leland and David & family are going to Kuching to visit our old friend Darren who moved there in 2005..we've known him since like 2000 so we really miss him and its gonna be a blast to visit him togetha..but anyway...back to earth..pmr is coming so quickly i dont want it to come!! urgh..but anyway..here's a vid of ya'll to watch..the nanny :D some of u may watch it already eg. Chong..enjoy
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tribute to Chong Chih Heng

Chong Chih Heng---15 years old---white skin complexion---black hair---dark brown round eyes---funny---small---talks and looks proffesional by all the sitting up straight but dont let the white skin fool ya---poses with hand on waist and leans his body on one leg when gets tired standing for a long time- eg.assembly time---
I've known him for quite some time..considered my best friend..since primary 1..then primary 4 or 5 he moved to my primary school..then with some introducing he is now the well known :-
Doctah / DR Chong / Daddy / Cypher / hate-christians-who-force-ppl-to-convert/ chucky chong / ambassador of KIKO / scientific /russel peters no.1 fan /game addict / emo-death-war-bookworm-that-nobody-else-reads /self-proclaimed geek /anti-diva /anti-starbucks /boy-who-doesnt-eat /kid-who-have-a-spare-ps2-cable / white boy/
SKII spokesmodel/modelesque-poser/class monitor that we all know and love!! :D this is for you daddy!! mwah...haha.
but anyway...back to the church thing...i sat next to patricia..she's funny and perky and form 6..haha..but anyway...today is also elf's 1st anniversary with her husband guru-guru so she's like stressing out weather her girt to him is good enough or lame or bla bla bla.. so i wonder how it went...they obviously stayed back in school to celebrate or make out or watever coz i called her at 1 o clock and her maid says she haven't got back from school..hehee..sneaky sneaky..so anyway...update again when i have time..do comment on this post:D thx
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jesselton Philharmonic Orchestra 08'
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mean VMA comment by Russel Brand..
"its not bad to wear a promise ring because not every guy and a girl wants to be a slut,ok?"
and i say Amen to that...thats real mature for her considering she's only 18 years old..
gosh..u have no right to comment on ppl like that..keep ur thoughts to yourself only..geeeez...i know russel brand is a comedian and all but u have boundaries and limits..stay off em! well..at least he apologized..
Ok enough about them..anyway..i'm glad ppl like new york new york..haha..now im promoting them..haha..school's boring as usual..nothin much happen..going to a wedding dinner tonight..speaking of weddings i was told to sing for a wedding AGAIN after pmr..gawd..talk about some freedom..i already sang for another wedding and now i have to do it again...gosh..why must ppl get married after pmr?? sheesh...and we dont even get ang pau's or anythin..at least some money would help..oh well..at least i can see the sweet couples crying and stuff..haha..oh yea..i also heard news abt kelly clarkson...first she had an amateur album..then a pop album, then a rock album and i heard rumours that she's doing country next..she said she wants to try something new..but havent she learnt after watching jessica simpson?? ah well..
Real boring in school..cant stand it sometimes..ah great..i finish drinking my yoyo..oh well..thats all for now..will update later on..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Forget Little Italy...
First..the coolest menu everrrr...
Da bomb!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
At Last...
Anyway..today after larensis, i followed Chong home coz of trasnport problems and i waited for my mom from like..5 to 6 and in that one hour..i was actually talking to Chong abt real stuff..like down to earth stuff...and its pretty amazing really..coming from him..and who knew he's a two faced bitch..hahaha..nola..but he's a great gossiper...Oh yea..anybody wants chihuahua puppies?? i got like...one..two....six...six pups..
This is like one of em..i called it moo moo coz it looks like a cow..ya knw..white with black patches..one on the eye...cute rite..hehe..oh yea...sorry i'm writing a lot..so many things happen within these months that i wanna post... :D