Monday, July 26, 2010
Hey hey omg! Its been a millions years since i posted something here! And i still remember ma password! Ahah! Well the trend is more to tumblr but blogger is really more meaningful. Its a REAL online diary. Which is funny coz i used to despise tumblr and love blogger and elf is the one who convinced me to go to tumblr and i told her tumblr sucks and its not meaningful and bla bla bla. BAM now shes the one who convinced me to go back to blog. Haha ironic. But that doesnt mean we're stopping tumblr lah. Not sure abt her but imma try to do both. Plus i think by posting smth on blogger, it can automatically go to tumblr as well. So yeah. Hmm i hope i still know how to work this thing. Or should i make a new blogger? Nah i save to many things here. I would wanna read it back one day. Ok so...i think imma post up pictures of stuff that i miss and the moments i lovee since i stopped blogging. :P
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ok ppl..finally got a chance to update...been busy with church wedding stuff and hanging out with cuzzins...anywho..i dunno if ya'll heard the news but ellen freakin degeneres is the new judge on idol!!! Like WUTT?!?! How?? Why?? When?? Why her?? I find her talk show interesting and all but....she cannot be the judge!!! She has no musical background or any musical experience! At least tads wat all the judges have...i mean..simon works in a recording is randy...who is also a musician...and kara works in the recording studio too for artists...writing songs..producing songs..and owns part of a record label..and paula was a singer too...and performer...then ellen degeneres??? wut? I understand victoria beckham though im not a fan..but why ellen?!?! You're supposed to judge a singing contest and what gives her the privilege to comment and critique on ppls singing when u knw nuts abt it?!?! oh well..i think now idol is just becoming a show to gain more viewers or something since ellen is a comedian...but gonna watch it since i love yea..see how it turns out..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Okay peeps physics is officially ma fav we got a freak accident in the lab!! Omg it happened right in front of me and elf they all...we were doing an experiment where we have to bail a beaker full of water with the bunsen burner and then heat two test tubes of alcohol which will be placed in the heated efa..our dear poor friend efa was pouring in the alcohol into the test tube near the fire and when she finished pouring, the beaker suddenly got caught on fire..since u knw..alcohol is highly flammable....
So the whole brim of the beaker...which is the top part was caught on fire...for a second there it look like those dishes in those high class restaurants which has fire around it..yea...but effa got freaked out and she screamed...and she was holding it and placed it on the table where me and elf they all anyway..she placed the burning beaker on a piece of physics paper while screaming...then suddenly the paper under the beaker caught on fire too!!!! So effa tried to save the physics exercise by pulling it out and as she pulled it, the beaker fell to the floor and the alcohol left in it is spilt everywhere...
So efa start flapping the paper hoping the fire will go off but literally burst into flames...the whole she let go and the paper fell to the ground..and BAM! The fire from the burning paper spread to the floor with alcohol in it and BAM the floor was on fire like how it happens in the movies... it was so shocking yet bamming at the same time!! So anywho..eric chong tried to put out the fire by stepping on it and when he did, the fire caught on his SHOE!!!!! HIS freaking shoe was on he took it off..thank gawd....then JR came and out off the all happened before ma eyes..and i was in total was so dangerous...the fire spread from beaker to paper to floor to eric;s shoes...gosh and the worst part is im standind right in fron of a fire extinguisher..and i was in total shock watching everyone screaming fire and efa freaking out i didnt even think of taking the fire extinguisher..gawd...scarrry... so the moral of the story is.......................................
Never trust man with a fire extinguisher..haha...jk..its actually dont play with alcohol near a fire coz alcohol is highly flammable!! I pity efa's fingers..theyre so red and burnt... GREAT fire experience...haha
So the whole brim of the beaker...which is the top part was caught on fire...for a second there it look like those dishes in those high class restaurants which has fire around it..yea...but effa got freaked out and she screamed...and she was holding it and placed it on the table where me and elf they all anyway..she placed the burning beaker on a piece of physics paper while screaming...then suddenly the paper under the beaker caught on fire too!!!! So effa tried to save the physics exercise by pulling it out and as she pulled it, the beaker fell to the floor and the alcohol left in it is spilt everywhere...
So efa start flapping the paper hoping the fire will go off but literally burst into flames...the whole she let go and the paper fell to the ground..and BAM! The fire from the burning paper spread to the floor with alcohol in it and BAM the floor was on fire like how it happens in the movies... it was so shocking yet bamming at the same time!! So anywho..eric chong tried to put out the fire by stepping on it and when he did, the fire caught on his SHOE!!!!! HIS freaking shoe was on he took it off..thank gawd....then JR came and out off the all happened before ma eyes..and i was in total was so dangerous...the fire spread from beaker to paper to floor to eric;s shoes...gosh and the worst part is im standind right in fron of a fire extinguisher..and i was in total shock watching everyone screaming fire and efa freaking out i didnt even think of taking the fire extinguisher..gawd...scarrry... so the moral of the story is.......................................
Never trust man with a fire extinguisher..haha...jk..its actually dont play with alcohol near a fire coz alcohol is highly flammable!! I pity efa's fingers..theyre so red and burnt... GREAT fire experience...haha
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hey peeps... havent been blogging for a long time...i got a tumblr now :P (what? I was listening to The Fray when i was creating tumblr..and i love the song) but i aint ready to give up blogger just yet..haha..and its hard for me to work this tumblr thing out...its not so used friendly like blogger where u can edit stuff on the side and play songs andput a chatbox and put post and photo at the same time...its either u post a photo..or u post a text...but still it seems simpler la...but blogger u can put pics and text in a post...and u can play songs at the side while ppl are reading ur post...and stuff..but oh well..anyway..i had two free tickets to remix...this Roger Wang concert thing...haihh..but i didnt go coz nobody could go with me...saddd...there goes ma free tickets...they cost 50 and 80 bucks...oh well...back to school tomoro :( so not in the mood...physics peka..haihhhh..but anyway..gtg fix ma tumblr...looks wrong...elf hates it..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hey ppl...jason and joshua came to my hse on sunday randomly to hang out and jam and play a lil basketball and just hang...haha..then ma dad bought a new laptop which has a really wide screen so i was so happy and perky, i decided to test the webcam :P it was awesome...can edit faces and put on wigs and stuff... this is how the webcam testing turn out :D random..haha
Josh and jason love sticking their tongue out..

Look i'm rihanna...
Haha tad was our random school was boring...teachers yackity yak needs to be more interesting..ugh..oh well wat to so bored at home..i need to go out and do something..thank gawd ma dad bought me and ma bro a basketball thingy..u knw...with the hoop and i can play in ma backyard..but i dont think its as tall as the normall basketball yea..but its still yeah... oh and Elf keep bugging me to use tumblr...seems interesting and all but..i have no idea wats the diff with blog..and i lazy wanna change coz i wanna keep ma blog so when i grow old and all i can look back at wat happened in ma life..haha..i could do tumblr and blog at the same time but i scared i cant update dunno la..see first..elf's suggestions can be tempting...haha

Look i'm rihanna...

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ok so i went to Halo Cafe City Mall just now to watch this event hosted by Jonathan Tze called My Story where they talk abt local bands and tell their story and play wasnt tad bad..i had fun..some dude were good..and then theres Teddy, Moses and some student performed...honestly Teddy is really good at his sax...very very nice...well i was always a fan of the sax anyway..i think one song was taken from a korean song...and teddy's funny..he's like..we practiced this spng for a loong time ago since 5pm just now..sweat..haha..anywho..then theres this malay band...not a fan..sorry..and some hip hop dudes..then Jonathan sings! Now we need more singing from him and less from the others..haha..he sing his new song called I'm Alive. Loved it...the feel is so Jason the song is inspired by Jason Mraz..haha..but i always liked his yea..and he walked pass by ma table and stole a french fry! Like hello..he doesnt really know me and he took one, smiled, and ate it. Okaay..i wasnt really eating the french fries anyway..Oh and Leland said he saw David they all there whom i didnt see..oh well...there will be a third My Story thing october or september..i like to go again..oh yea..leland went online an theres this thing where u answer a question and u get two free tickets to roger wang's concert..first 5 to answer will get em leland answered...since hes like one big roger wang fan...and BAM he got it..and i was like..omg what was the qeustion?? And he's like...wat musical instrument does roger wang play... SWEAT! Tads soo easy..haha..oh well..
Friday, August 28, 2009
Hey 9 am...i went to Sutera to attend this meeting among the Presidents of the Interact Club from the other four was actually ok...ppl were friendly..some were quiet and nadym and andrew from la salle came but theyre not the presidents so i wonder wat the meeting was abt the Joint Installation for the interactors and yeah..we were discussing the details and where and when and how and wat and bla bla...then they were talking abt magazine stuff and yea basically planning another installation...tough first meeting abt interact with the other schools...Lucky belinda could pick me up or else she'll be there all alone coz supposed to be Elle, JR, Belle and me but Elle and JR cant make yeah... then went home..go online and relax..oh anyway..i saw Katharine McPhee cut her hair short!!! and she dyed it BLONDE!!! Aaaahh..and i loved her brunnette long curly hair :'( she looks so hawt like tad... :(

Oh and this is her new single called Had It All written By Kara DioGuardi from her new album Unbroken out in october.
Kara DioGuardi performing Had It All.
Kara DioGuardi performing Had It All.
So yeah tads it...oh and tonight i have a pot luck dinner in the choir masters hse and have church practice aft yeah...oh wait..i heard christians supposed to call it Pot Bless coz christians not supposed to believe in luck is it? Or something like tad...but i've been calling it pot luck all ma yeahh..wateva la...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hey ppl..its starting to get boring when theres no school..though its very can be boring...haha..i need movies and series to kill time but i finished one tree hill ady :( no one really to chat with on msn or skype or anything...oh well...i watched Miss Universe few days was good...pretty women...hahaa...some look so old but is actually wutt... Miss Malaysia looks nasty..and she seems to be best friends with Miss thailand...haha..but i rooted for Miss Venezula coz she looks very sheek and sophisticated and BAM she won :P she looks a bit old though...haha..and i liked australia..pretty..but oh well..Venezuela won two years in a row..but i thought it was a bit weird tad most of the judges are like americans...
This one got second
This one won..moss Venezuela..with FloRida behind checking her out..haha

Anyway...last sunday...i performed in The KK Music Festival..with Leland and Douglas and Malcom from la salle...We did Sunday Mornin and was fun...the judge was Tay Cher Siang..some pro jazz pianist performer slash producer slash music arranger slash piano teacher.. I heard one lesson with him costs a fortune...and he can play really well..ive seen his videos on youtube...darn he's a real proooo..studied in USA and got a Masters in performing arts or somethin like tad...hes reallllllly good. David's band also got perform. The All saints band...haha..and im like in another band against ironic. They were really good thouggh...adriel is awesome at drums...they created this song called Acid Wawa...and its super creative...David Lee was the starring..haha..he practically doesnt need the other was really cool...but a wee little bit messy in my offence davids band...i still loved the results was... Our band got first runner up..shocker..i was expecting davids band to be at least first runner up coz they were the most creative band... but the winner was good la...Oscar's band...they were good. The singer was bamming...she's more on the lower range side and she sing umbrella.. nice voice..they did their own spin to hats off to them... But all in was a fun experience...i thought i embarrased maself..but the judge dude said i have a great voice so tad made ma day! :P hehee..but he also said i shouldnt have sung Sunday Morning in tad key coz it sounded on the low side and he'd prefered it in one or one and a half step higher...which i was pretty low but wat to do..the band was so last minute..haha..but it was a great experience a tiny first competing in a band :P
This one got second

Anyway...last sunday...i performed in The KK Music Festival..with Leland and Douglas and Malcom from la salle...We did Sunday Mornin and was fun...the judge was Tay Cher Siang..some pro jazz pianist performer slash producer slash music arranger slash piano teacher.. I heard one lesson with him costs a fortune...and he can play really well..ive seen his videos on youtube...darn he's a real proooo..studied in USA and got a Masters in performing arts or somethin like tad...hes reallllllly good. David's band also got perform. The All saints band...haha..and im like in another band against ironic. They were really good thouggh...adriel is awesome at drums...they created this song called Acid Wawa...and its super creative...David Lee was the starring..haha..he practically doesnt need the other was really cool...but a wee little bit messy in my offence davids band...i still loved the results was... Our band got first runner up..shocker..i was expecting davids band to be at least first runner up coz they were the most creative band... but the winner was good la...Oscar's band...they were good. The singer was bamming...she's more on the lower range side and she sing umbrella.. nice voice..they did their own spin to hats off to them... But all in was a fun experience...i thought i embarrased maself..but the judge dude said i have a great voice so tad made ma day! :P hehee..but he also said i shouldnt have sung Sunday Morning in tad key coz it sounded on the low side and he'd prefered it in one or one and a half step higher...which i was pretty low but wat to do..the band was so last minute..haha..but it was a great experience a tiny first competing in a band :P
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hey! I feel that theres a need to stress on another moral value around here. Yes i know i might not be the best or nicest person to give advice on how we should act and behave and live life as i ain't the politest person on earth or anything but this is wat i call sharing and ppl can read this and actually realize something or just ignore it and get on with their lives... Your choice...its ma blog so im gonna post wat i wanna post so shut up and dont complain if you are complaining... So here we goes. Being Judgmental. A very dangerous word. I believe everyone here has been judgemental at least once in their lives. I can admit i have been. And its actually really wrong. Accusing ppl of being stupid or dumb or bitchy and trying to brab attention and stuff. Its really wrong. See ppl like us who are very judgemental contributes to peer pressure. really..and its not good to do tad. I mean..who are we as a person to judge other ppl. We dont really have the right to do tad. Ok? So its really not good. Just be nice and dont live in negativity. You'll get the reward at the end of the day. So yeahh... Tads just a short sharing from me. So lets all try to stop or reduce on how we judge other ppl and their lives. Look at your own faults and not others. :P
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Teen Choice Awards 09'
Hey..didnt go to school today... :P Lazy... mom was in a good mood so she let me skip school :P anywho..was skyping ma sis last night like every other night and she bought me a shirt! wheee..happy me...from tarocash ma fav brand :P:P although its only in Australia...haha... im still trying to persuade ma parents to go there for a short visit next week since its holiday..i was bugging ma mom but shes like...go tell ur father...which means if he's ok then ma mom is ok but the thing is ma dad isnt really the sporting type like ma ugh...thinking of how to persuade him...ooh im gonna use the "dont u miss ur daughter??" on him :P that'll probably work.. hehehee but if it doesnt then ugh...oh well.. oh yea speaking of skype...everyone seems to be making one now...probably becoming the IN thing i guess...haha...but good la...last year i had no skype friends except ma cousins and sista but now i have friends! Yay...but chatting on msn is funner to me..unless video call la..then skype is waay better..haha
Oh yea..i watched the Teen Choice Awards 2009 and it was fun..ok la..end sucks..but Ashley Tisdale looks prettay! Sorry elf..haha...Kim Kardashian looks so weird..with the blonde hair and all...

Got black Eyed Peas perform I Got A Feeling.. Nice...Miley Cyrus perform her new song called Party In the USA..ok la..catchy but i dont really like her..but the song is not bad..her outfit shows off her bra stap..nasty...she didnt even bother covering it usual..twilight won a lot...kristin Stewart is so UGLY now with her new black short hair...
Megan Fox and Robert Pattinson won Choice Hottie...not surprised..haha..umm... Chace Crawford and Leighton Meester won Best Actor/Actress Drama..i think...
Oh yea..i watched the Teen Choice Awards 2009 and it was fun..ok la..end sucks..but Ashley Tisdale looks prettay! Sorry elf..haha...Kim Kardashian looks so weird..with the blonde hair and all...

Got black Eyed Peas perform I Got A Feeling.. Nice...Miley Cyrus perform her new song called Party In the USA..ok la..catchy but i dont really like her..but the song is not bad..her outfit shows off her bra stap..nasty...she didnt even bother covering it usual..twilight won a lot...kristin Stewart is so UGLY now with her new black short hair...

But heres the list of winnersss
Choice Movie Action Adventure
* X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Choice Movie Drama
* Twilight
Choice Movie Romance (ugh He's Just Not That Into You shouldve won but oh well)
* Twilight
Choice Movie Bromantic Comedy
* Marley & Me
Choice Movie Comedy
* Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Choice Movie Music/Dance
* High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Choice Movie Actor Drama
* Robert Pattinson - Twilight

Choice Movie Actress Drama
* Kristen Stewart - Twilight
Ok heres the other actresses she beat out in this can she beat angelina or beyonce or nicole kidman..haihhh
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Beyonce Knowles - Obsessed
Freida Pinto - Slumdog Millionaire
Nicole Kidman - Australia
Choice Movie Actor Action Adventure
* Hugh Jackman - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Choice Movie Actor Comedy
* Zac Efron - 17 Again

Choice Movie Actress Comedy
* Anne Hathaway - Bride Wars
Choice Movie Actress Music/Dance
* Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana: The Movie
Choice Movie Actor Music/Dance
* Zac Efron - High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Choice Movie Villain
* Cam Gigandet - Twilight
Choice Movie Fresh Face Female
* Ashley Greene - Twilight
Choice Movie Fresh Face Male
* Taylor Lautner - Twilight

Choice Movie Liplock
* Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson - Twilight
Choice Movie Rockstar Moment
* Zac Efron - 17 Again
Choice Movie Rumble
* Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) VS. James (Cam Gigandet) - Twilight
Choice TV Show Drama
* Gossip Girl
Choice TV Show Action Adventure
* Heroes
Choice TV Show Comedy
* Hannah Montana
Choice TV Animated Show
* SpongeBob SquarePants
Choice TV Reality
* The Hills
Choice TV Reality Competition
* American Idol
Choice TV Actor: Drama
* Chace Crawford - Gossip Girl

Choice TV Actress Drama (yay she beat blake lively :P)
* Leighton Meester - Gossip Girl

Choice TV Actress Action Adventure
* Hayden Panettiere - Heroes

Choice TV Actor Comedy
* Jonas Brothers - Jonas
Choice TV Actress Comedy
* Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana

Choice TV Breakout Show
* Jonas
Choice TV Breakout Star Female
* Demi Lovato - Sonny With A Chance
Choice TV Breakout Star Male
* Frankie Jonas - Jonas
Choice TV Villain (yay..)
* Ed Westwick - Gossip Girl
Choice Music: Single
* Miley Cyrus - The Climb
Choice Hook-Up
* Lady Gaga Featuring Colby O' Donis - Just Dance
Choice Music: Male Artist
* Jason Mraz
Choice Music: Female Artist
* Taylor Swift
Choice Music: R&B Artist
* Beyonce
Choice Breakout Artist
* David Archuleta
Choice Rock Group
* Paramore
Choice Music: Love Song
* Crush - David Archuleta
Choice Music: R&B Track
* Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
Choice Music: Rap/Hip-Hop Track
* The Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow
Choice Music: Rock Track
* Paramore - Decode
Choice Music Album: Male Artist
* We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things - Jason Mraz
Choice Music Album: Female Artist
* Fearless - Taylor Swift
Choice Male Hottie
* Robert Pattinson
Choice Female Hottie
* Megan Fox

Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon Female
* Selena Gomez

Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon Male
* Jonas Brothers

So yeah tads all the winners if yall didnt watch..twilight won like 11 out of 12 nominations...gawd ppl love ok... Ashley Tisdale looks good..she presented some awards
Kristen Bell..shes the voice of Gossip Girl..who knew..
Ashley Tisdale's bf??
Anywho...tads all for now..gotta go..ugh school tomoro...
Choice Movie Action Adventure
* X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Choice Movie Drama
* Twilight
Choice Movie Romance (ugh He's Just Not That Into You shouldve won but oh well)
* Twilight
Choice Movie Bromantic Comedy
* Marley & Me
Choice Movie Comedy
* Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Choice Movie Music/Dance
* High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Choice Movie Actor Drama
* Robert Pattinson - Twilight

Choice Movie Actress Drama
* Kristen Stewart - Twilight
Ok heres the other actresses she beat out in this can she beat angelina or beyonce or nicole kidman..haihhh
Angelina Jolie - Changeling
Beyonce Knowles - Obsessed
Freida Pinto - Slumdog Millionaire
Nicole Kidman - Australia
Choice Movie Actor Action Adventure
* Hugh Jackman - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Choice Movie Actor Comedy
* Zac Efron - 17 Again

Choice Movie Actress Comedy
* Anne Hathaway - Bride Wars
Choice Movie Actress Music/Dance
* Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana: The Movie
Choice Movie Actor Music/Dance
* Zac Efron - High School Musical 3: Senior Year
Choice Movie Villain
* Cam Gigandet - Twilight
Choice Movie Fresh Face Female
* Ashley Greene - Twilight
Choice Movie Fresh Face Male
* Taylor Lautner - Twilight

Choice Movie Liplock
* Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson - Twilight
Choice Movie Rockstar Moment
* Zac Efron - 17 Again
Choice Movie Rumble
* Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) VS. James (Cam Gigandet) - Twilight
Choice TV Show Drama
* Gossip Girl
Choice TV Show Action Adventure
* Heroes
Choice TV Show Comedy
* Hannah Montana
Choice TV Animated Show
* SpongeBob SquarePants
Choice TV Reality
* The Hills
Choice TV Reality Competition
* American Idol
Choice TV Actor: Drama
* Chace Crawford - Gossip Girl

Choice TV Actress Drama (yay she beat blake lively :P)
* Leighton Meester - Gossip Girl

Choice TV Actress Action Adventure
* Hayden Panettiere - Heroes

Choice TV Actor Comedy
* Jonas Brothers - Jonas
Choice TV Actress Comedy
* Miley Cyrus - Hannah Montana

Choice TV Breakout Show
* Jonas
Choice TV Breakout Star Female
* Demi Lovato - Sonny With A Chance
Choice TV Breakout Star Male
* Frankie Jonas - Jonas
Choice TV Villain (yay..)
* Ed Westwick - Gossip Girl

Choice Music: Single
* Miley Cyrus - The Climb
Choice Hook-Up
* Lady Gaga Featuring Colby O' Donis - Just Dance
Choice Music: Male Artist
* Jason Mraz
Choice Music: Female Artist
* Taylor Swift
Choice Music: R&B Artist
* Beyonce
Choice Breakout Artist
* David Archuleta
Choice Rock Group
* Paramore
Choice Music: Love Song
* Crush - David Archuleta
Choice Music: R&B Track
* Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
Choice Music: Rap/Hip-Hop Track
* The Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow
Choice Music: Rock Track
* Paramore - Decode
Choice Music Album: Male Artist
* We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things - Jason Mraz
Choice Music Album: Female Artist
* Fearless - Taylor Swift
Choice Male Hottie
* Robert Pattinson
Choice Female Hottie
* Megan Fox

Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon Female
* Selena Gomez

Choice Red Carpet Fashion Icon Male
* Jonas Brothers
* Honor Marie Warren, daughter of Jessica Alba and Cash Warren.
Choice Celebrity Dancer
Choice Celebrity Dancer
* Selena Gomez.
Choice Twit
Choice Twit
* Ellen DeGeneres.
Ultimate Choice Award
Ultimate Choice Award
* Britney Spears.

So yeah tads all the winners if yall didnt watch..twilight won like 11 out of 12 nominations...gawd ppl love ok... Ashley Tisdale looks good..she presented some awards

Monday, August 17, 2009
Hey peeps..sorry didnt update in awhile...was busy...watching one tree hill to the end of season 6.. :P so sweeet!! Love one tree hill...its another side...almost opposite of gossip girl..haha...but still same theme going through yea...anyway.. there will be another installation night joint with other schools and i heard the theme is gonna be Las Vegas...AGAIN...sweat...haih...but anyway...wat is there to talk abt...hmm...well today we have to be in the hall the whole freakin boring...listening to ppl yap and yap and yap...annoying!
Oh yea...we took picture for editorial was good, luiz, jane and maya went up on a tree to take a pic there...and while we were on the tree waiting for victor to come and snap the pic...ex teacher meryati came and saw us on the tree and shes like " wat are u doing up there???!" haha...freak her yeah... nothing much..boring life... ooh ooh im performing in a band for the Music Fest this coming Sunday at 4pm i think...ugh...i actually sont feel like singing...but...oh not really into the song...haha..but come and watch if u want...itll be fun i guess....
Oh yea i week holiday..i MIGHT be going to Perth again coz KK gets boring! haha... plus i get to little souvenirs...and visit ma sis and teach her how to cook and stuff..she c ant diva-ish perhaps...but itll be fun there...i think its still winter...and the food there is hoping my mom really meant it when she said "lets go to perth next week!". She better...i could need shopping and a new peacefull cold surrounding to release stress...haha..stress from what? i have no idea..hahahaha..oh gosh i sound like im talkin to ma self and laughin...haha..ok then..will update again...But heres a few pics of one tree hill :P

Oh yea...we took picture for editorial was good, luiz, jane and maya went up on a tree to take a pic there...and while we were on the tree waiting for victor to come and snap the pic...ex teacher meryati came and saw us on the tree and shes like " wat are u doing up there???!" haha...freak her yeah... nothing much..boring life... ooh ooh im performing in a band for the Music Fest this coming Sunday at 4pm i think...ugh...i actually sont feel like singing...but...oh not really into the song...haha..but come and watch if u want...itll be fun i guess....
Oh yea i week holiday..i MIGHT be going to Perth again coz KK gets boring! haha... plus i get to little souvenirs...and visit ma sis and teach her how to cook and stuff..she c ant diva-ish perhaps...but itll be fun there...i think its still winter...and the food there is hoping my mom really meant it when she said "lets go to perth next week!". She better...i could need shopping and a new peacefull cold surrounding to release stress...haha..stress from what? i have no idea..hahahaha..oh gosh i sound like im talkin to ma self and laughin...haha..ok then..will update again...But heres a few pics of one tree hill :P

Monday, August 10, 2009
Hey im relieved Installation Night was a success...i guess...everything was kinda smooth...
Best Dressed is Belle and Luqman Hakim..and yea la...congrats to all the new BOD too for getting chosen to be a BOD. And yea..wats there to talk abt? I had a great time...had to sing Sunday Morning with JR and David. They did a great differrent version of the song..good work guys..i didnt want to sing though coz i didnt wanna stress out and i just wanna relax and eat peacefully but no...JR say i must oh well..just DO IT. Anyway..i love the Soup..Hot and Sour soup...bamming..oh and Deef fried chicken with butter cream sauce..BAM..ooh and sweet and sour fish..bamming again..and i liked the tofu...ooh and the dessert... oohlalaa...some i don like but wat to do..haha..haih i got like 20 over pics oh..lazy to upload... but ok ill rajin and try to upload all..

Best Dressed is Belle and Luqman Hakim..and yea la...congrats to all the new BOD too for getting chosen to be a BOD. And yea..wats there to talk abt? I had a great time...had to sing Sunday Morning with JR and David. They did a great differrent version of the song..good work guys..i didnt want to sing though coz i didnt wanna stress out and i just wanna relax and eat peacefully but no...JR say i must oh well..just DO IT. Anyway..i love the Soup..Hot and Sour soup...bamming..oh and Deef fried chicken with butter cream sauce..BAM..ooh and sweet and sour fish..bamming again..and i liked the tofu...ooh and the dessert... oohlalaa...some i don like but wat to do..haha..haih i got like 20 over pics oh..lazy to upload... but ok ill rajin and try to upload all..

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